Pruvan Share: Connecting Users and Consolidating Accounts

What is Pruvan Share?

Pruvan Share is a way to connect Pruvan accounts to each other in order to share and assign work more easily!

How does it work and what does this mean for me?

Well this depends on who you are!

If you are a Work Provider…

Pruvan Share allows you to assign Pruvan Projects to sub-contractors without activating a device on your account. Your sub-contractors can now have their own Pruvan Accounts and you would then simply delegate work orders from your account to theirs.

If you are a Vendor or a Contractor…

Pruvan Share allows you to consolidate all of your work orders from all of your Work Providers. You no longer have to memorize different usernames and passwords for each Work Provider. Your sub-user login and password act as a key to connect your new Pruvan Account to the accounts of your Work Providers. Stop logging in and out of multiple accounts and never miss a work order again.

OK great! What else should I know?

Well there are a couple of vocab words that you’ll need to know to property execute a Pruvan Share integration on your Pruvan account.

There are two types of roles in the Pruvan Share integration:

Pruvan Share Delegator

This is the work provider who will be delegating (assigning and sending) work orders from their Pruvan account into their Vendors’ Pruvan accounts. A Delegator can have an unlimited number of Recipients.

Pruvan Share Recipient

This is the vendor or contractor that will receive (import) the work orders assigned to them from the Pruvan Delegator’s account into their own Pruvan account. A Recipient can have an unlimited number of Delegators.


So how do I get started?

Read our documentation on the Pruvan Support Center. Navigate to Integrations and you’ll see Pruvan Share with a general FAQ and more information if you are a Delegator or a Recipient. As always if you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Support by opening a support ticket.