Checklist for Piloting a Mobile App with Your Team

Crawl. Walk. Run. The same principle can apply when investigating the efficacy of a mobile app through part of your organization. Consider the pilot program the first phase of improving your customer experience. Here are a few items to keep in mind when initially working through the kinks under a smaller team.

Create Sandbox Account

Register a test account to put your feet in the shoes of the users piloting the app. Follow the same instructions given to them so you can fully understand any of their feedback.

Establish a Project Plan

A project plan should be in place ahead of the rollout with a project manager engaged throughout the pilot program. Need assistance with creating a project plan? Reach out to us.

Manually Test

Before developers sink their time into any integrations, test your process manually.

Start With Training

Begin with some form of training materials delivered to your pre-release group. Find out what are the frequently asked questions and where they expect to find information to fine-tune your resources. You should also schedule training sessions to go over any questions and make sure you have their feedback documented during these sessions.

Identify Beta Testers

Whether you’re testing this mobile app either internally or with external vendors, identify the most responsive and reliable people to help you identify issues before rolling out further. Outline the pilot program including:

  • Minimum vendor requirements
  • Workflow updates
  • Training session schedule

For more tips on pre-launching and piloting a mobile app, see our Named Integration Guidebook.