If you’re seeing this page it most likely means that you did not click a Hot Link on a mobile device. Still having an issue? Keep reading.
Trying to open a project in Pruvan Mobile?
You will need to use Pruvan Mobile to open Hot links. Install Pruvan Mobile from either the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store to install Pruvan Mobile.
Already have Pruvan installed?
The minimum required version is v3.16, please make sure your app is updated. On Apple devices, you need to be running at least iOS 9. Tap here if you are using iOS 7 or 8. In Safari, pull down on the page and you should see a ‘open with Pruvan?’ dialogue at the top. Tap open to load your project in Pruvan Mobile. If your link opened in Chrome or another browser, copy / paste it into Safari and follow the previous instructions.
For more information about Hot Links see our Support Center article.