If you’re like millions of business people who rely on photos to get your work done, you’ve probably gone through more point-and-shoot cameras over the years than you’d care to admit. Whether you document field activity for a crew, seek photo proof for a project, or just need general photo management for your company, there’s better technology out there than your digital camera.
If you’re like millions of business people who rely on photos to get your work done, you’ve probably gone through more point-and-shoot cameras over the years than you’d care to admit. Whether you document field activity for a crew, seek photo proof for a project, or just need general photo management for your company, there’s better technology out there than your digital camera.
Although digital cameras have obvious benefits as compared to their predecessors, such as easier storage, transfer, copying, and modification of photos, they bring up a whole slew of new issues for businesses seeking a photo management solution. When your camera is out of space, where is the best place to store your photos? How should you send photo proof to your clients? How can you tell the difference between an original and an edited photo? And the questions continue…
The easy answer to improving your company’s photo documentation process is the smartphone. For the past several years, smartphone technology has been steadily improving, and mobile devices like your iPhone, iPad, and Android now come with built-in high resolution cameras and geo-tagging capabilities. These advancements have paved the way for business photo management apps like Pruvan to streamline the proof of performance process for companies like yours. With Pruvan, you snap business-related photos straight from your mobile device, they’re instantly uploaded to your office computer, and each tamper-proof photo is sorted by date, time, and project ID for superior organization and searchability. The app also allows users to create project notes to help keep every photo in context.
With the impressive functionality of today’s mobile devices, the shift from digital camera to smartphone will one day seem as natural as the evolution from polaroid to digital. As with every technological revolution, there are early adopters, the majorities, and those that are left lagging behind. And, although smartphones are by no means new, the innovative idea of moving all business photo management functions over to mobile devices is still spreading. Instead of waiting for your company’s current method to become archaic, why not make the switch and get the Pruvan advantage today?