For the amount of time we’re spending on phones, it may seem like another mobile app would just cut into your day. But in fact, using the right mobile apps can free up more of your time and boost your business’ productivity so you can focus on bigger picture goals.
Here are 4 major reasons how mobile apps can help your business run more effectively:
1. Manage Tasks From Anywhere
If you frequently need to visit property sites, only to find out a job wasn’t completed properly, a mobile app can help verify all work is done as instructed.
On Pruvan Mobile, you get on the field visibility as staff work without ever needing to leave your office. They can check them off as they finish and enter any information into the mobile form. Every task done they can also attach a photo or video as visual evidence.
2. Mobile Apps Can Provide Value to Your Clients
With a mobile app, you can provide important information regarding tasks or projects you complete to your client without them having to contact you for a status check. All of this info is right at their fingertips. This cuts down on time managing projects. If you have any anxious clients, a mobile app can provide them a better experience as they get near real-time data back.
3. Clear Documentation
As contractors complete tasks, the mobile forms in the Pruvan app guide them on what information is required before they can report a job as done.
To begin, you can easily provide clear instructions within the app before staff sees the job. Then as they fill out information, depending on their answer, you can also require more information or photos. For example, if they are completing a survey and you are asking if there is any mold in the home, if they answer “yes” the app can require them to take a picture as evidence.
4. Less Billed Time
Having forms that provide logical follow-up questions based on their answers as they fill them out, can also help cut down on the amount you spend on each task. When a typical survey form is incomplete, and work hasn’t checked as done before they leave, it unnecessarily leads to revisiting charges to a property.
Learn more about Pruvan App here.